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2018 Program

Third Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Care Learning Network

September 19 - 21, 2018


University of Texas Health Science Center Emergency Department Conference Room 

7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio



Wednesday, Sept 19th     

Welcoming Dinner

7 PM Alamo Cafe, 10060 I-10, San Antonio, TX 78230


Thursday, Sept 20th

UTHSCSA Emergency Department Conference Room


                                      7:30                 Continental Breakfast provided

                                      8:00                 Welcome and Opening

                                    12:15                Lunch is provided

                                      5:00                 Closing and self-organizing for dinner



The conference is a collaborative learning forum for peer support. The workshop design invites participating sites to describe their collaborative care initiative elaborating on what is working and presenting unsolved challenges.


Each team has prepared expressions of their guiding principles, burning passions, and the essential questions for discussion by all participants. Participants will share stories to highlight what is unique and meaningful about collaborative care in their site.


A foundation of collaborative care is having structured opportunities for collective reflection and shared learning.  Facilitated weaving sessions will provide opportunities for the conference group to name threads that are emerging, generate and share insights, and reflect together. Attendees will explore the evolution of models of collaborative care across many settings: community, mental health, outpatient, inpatient, and education.  


A goal of this facilitated group discussion is to garner from many experiences in the room to create a richer understanding of how to build, sustain and evolve Collaborative Health Care Environments.  We will reflect together from our perspectives as patients, family members, carers, care providers, and researchers. Together we will harvest themes we heard across the sites, identify principles, and identify emerging topics to guide Friday's discussions.


This is time to connect, reflect, appreciate one another for all the work, ideas, and helpful relationships that went into the success of the meeting, and to plan for future meetings together.



                    Participating Sites


Jake Jennings, East Calgary Family Care Clinic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Mike Barnes, Josephine Medado-Ramirez and team, Beaumont Health, Detroit, MI


Neal Sarahan: Integral Flow


Salman Muddassir, Oak Hill Hospital, Spring Hill, Florida


Kristy Brandon, Creighton University, Omaha, NE


National Alliance for Mental Illness


University Hospital, San Antonio, TX









Jake Jennings       Neal Sarahan        Ellen Raboin











Paul Uhlig                               Luci Leykum


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Friday, Sept 21, 2018

UTHSCSA Emergency Department Conference Room


7:30                 Continental Breakfast provided

8:00                 Opening with proposed topics from Thursdays Presentations

12:00               Lunch provided

2:45                 First Footprint Award 2018               

3:00                 Closing

3:30                 Adjourn


3:45                 Optional Business meeting: Collaborative Care Learning Network 


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©2016-2024 by Collaborative Care Alliance | Paul N. Uhlig, MD, MPA

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